Resources for TPR

Tangible Property Regulations
Resource Page
In order to help you shorten the learning curve in understanding the Tangible Property Regulations, we have assembled links to the best, most concise, explanations of the regulations.  The links are placed in order of complexity to discuss a broad understanding of the regulations to deep analysis through understanding of the most asked questions. 
Links to the Federal Register Examples are also provided.
CSSI has tax counsel that can also assist you with your specific TPR questions and Asset Valuation services to ease the burden of claiming disposition for your client’s past retired assets.

Quick Summary Chart of Final Tangible Property Regulations -   AICPA
This is the most concise summary of the regulations in the industry.  Six pages in bullet form.  You will want to print this and keep it as a document to refer to when reading other articles.
If you only look at one, this is the one to look at. “5 Stars” *****
AICPA Tangible Property Regulations:  Questions and AnswersDecember 17, 2013
32 Questions to guide you through the regulations
For Tax Professionals that are just starting their research. 
“5 Stars”*****

IRS Releases Comprehensive Repair/Capitalization Final Regulations     Sept 20, 2013        CCH Tax Briefing
This is a great article to start your research that compares the Temporary and Final Regulations in plain English in 11 pages.    
“5 stars”*****
OMG! You just found out that your client needs a Capitalization Policy in place starting January 1st to be eligible for the De minimis Rule Safe Harbor. 
Don’t Panic.  Here is a template to get it done.
Download the Fill in the Blank template from the AICPA for creating a Written Capitalization Policy to comply with the De minimis Rule.  This document is priceless if your client does not have this in place already. Look under Tools.    “5 stars”*****

Advanced Studies    Questions and Answers Sources
Great questions for real situations that you may need to know for your client’s tax situation. 
Provides understanding of applying the regulations.   “4.5 Stars”
Commonly Asked Questions
Commonly Asked Questions

In depth analysis of the regulations in 3 parts.
Part 1   Favorable changes to materials and supplies and de minimis safe harbors
Part 2   Clarification and taxpayer-friendly safe harbors and elections added for acquisition and improvement rules.   
Part 3   General Improvement Rules

Federal Register Links within the Regulations
 Guidance Regarding Deduction and Capitalization of Expenditures related to Tangible Property
Click here to Access the Table of Contents
Materials and Supplies
De minimis Safe Harbor Examples
Routine Maintenance Examples
Improvement Standards
Betterment Examples
Restoration Examples
Adaptation Examples

An analysis of the Final Repair Regulations    Tax Practice
“4 Stars”****

Repairs vs. Capital Improvements: Do the Final Regulations at Last Clarify the Distinction?  Journal of Taxation  November 2013

Final Tangible property repair regulations and proposed regulations WNTS Insights   October 2013 
 A plain- english document to explain the regulations. 4 Stars****

Temporary Regulations
Accounting Method Changes Under the Temporary Tangible Property Regulations   AICPA
 Good summary of Rev Proc 2012-19 2012-20 to comply with the Temporary Regulations.  “4 Stars”****

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